Services for Women

Tantric Massage

Erotic massage is become more popular as women start seeing more value in prioritising their own pleasure. I tailor the sensual massage to target specific female erogenous zones to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and revitalised. It’s also helpful in retraining your body to accept and respond to sexual pleasure. As part of the session I can also help you start to unpack and undo some of the negative beliefs and social norms about female sexual pleasure which are often at the core of low libido and inability to reach orgasm. Massage is a great introduction if you’re new to F-F play or it’s been a while. I’m also experienced with heterosexual women.

Girlfriend Experience

If you’re after more than just massage I offer an intimate and euphoric girlfriend experience to delight all of your senses. As a confident bisexual woman there’s nothing I love more than having a woman all to myself without worrying about the male gaze. I’m experienced with lesbian, bicurious, bisexual and heterosexual women so wherever you’re at with your sexual journey, a F-F experience is not to be missed. F-F play is very different to traditional M-F experiences and definitely something to experience at least once. I have a small collection of toys to use, or bring your own favourites.

Intimacy Coaching

Intimacy coaching for women and people who identify as female overlaps heavily with sex therapy. Typically my clients come with pre-existing sexual dysfunction or something they are unhappy about, or they might be recovering from negative sexual events in their past. I focus on sexual empowerment, education, self-knowledge and healing to overcome negative attitudes and beliefs and help clients come to a better understanding of their psycho-sexual bodies to improve sexual wellbeing. Intimacy coaching for heterosexual women does benefit from the involvement of a current sexual partner.